What we do
Education and
Research Forum
The purpose of the Forum is to address palliative care education and research as arises under the IAPC’s Mission to promote palliative care through education, representation and networking and thereby build capacity in palliative care at the individual and at the sector level on the Island of Ireland.
The role of the IAPC Education and Research Forum is to promote and accelerate the undertaking of research among palliative care practitioners and researchers on the island of Ireland, to promote evidence-based research, and to build and increase research capacity in the sector.
Specifically, it will:
Forum members
Who are the Education and Research Forum
Esther Beck
Chair of Education and Research Forum
Senior Lecturer in Nursing
Ulster University
Nessa Keane
Secretary of Education and Research Forum
Galway University Hospital, Galway
Cian O’ Leary
Palliative Medicine Specialist Registrar
University Hospital Kerry
Frances O’ Mahony
Palliative Medicine Specialist Registrar
University Hospital Kerry
David Byrne
Our LAdy’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross
Claire Kruger
Palliative Registrar
Milford Hospice, Limerick
Barbara Sweeney
Head of Education
St Francis Hospice, Dublin
Maeve Brassil
St. Francis Hospice, Dublin
Felicity Hasson
Ulster University
Sarah Ruthledge
Marymount Hospital & Hospice, Cork
Elaine Cunningham
Marymount Hospital & Hospice, Cork
Julie Donnellan
Marymount Hospital & Hospice, Cork
David Murphy
Galway University Hospital, Galway
Siobhan McCullough
Senior Speech and Language Therapist
LauraLynn, Dublin