What we do

Education and
Research Forum

The IAPC Education and Research Forum is a major strand of the IAPC’s work agenda.

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The purpose of the Forum is to address palliative care education and research as arises under the IAPC’s Mission to promote palliative care through education, representation and networking and thereby build capacity in palliative care at the individual and at the sector level on the Island of Ireland.

The role of the IAPC Education and Research Forum is to promote and accelerate the undertaking of research among palliative care practitioners and researchers on the island of Ireland, to promote evidence-based research, and to build and increase research capacity in the sector.

Hike Group

Specifically, it will:

  • Provide a forum to share best practice, information and knowledge and promote a network / community of interest in palliative care research
  • Plan and convene an annual seminar to showcase palliative care research
  • Call for and review research submissions for the annual seminar
  • Identify and create opportunities for Irish practitioners and researchers to learn from national and international “best practice” in palliative care
  • Publish seminar proceedings
  • Create a pathway of learning and development to researchers wishing to publish in high-impact, peer-reviewed publications
  • Educate researchers in research methods and presentation
  • Disseminate research and related material through publications, seminars, workshops, and other media
  • Strengthen and increase linkages with international palliative care associations such as the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), and individual European palliative care associations; Northern Ireland Cancer Network (NICaN); the International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care (IAHPC)
  • Strengthen and increase linkages with national and international institutions engaged in health research and education such as the Health Research Board(HRB); Institute of Public Health (IPH); European Palliative Care Research Centre (PRC); All-Ireland Institute for Palliative Care (AIIHPC)
  • Continuously monitoring global palliative care advancements, evolving educational approaches, and innovative channels for disseminating emerging research and knowledge in the field
  • Undertake other initiatives that may be prescribed by or agreed with the IAPC Board of Directors
  • Make recommendations and provide such advice to the IAPC Board of Directors as required so that the Association can achieve its strategic objective to improve the knowledge and expertise of individuals working within palliative care and thereby strengthen the capacity of the sector.

Forum members

Who are the Education and Research Forum

Esther Beck

Chair of Education and Research Forum

Senior Lecturer in Nursing

Ulster University

Thomas Cahill

Vice Chair of Education and Research Forum

Registrar, Milford Care Services

Nessa Keane

Secretary of Education and Research Forum


Galway University Hospital, Galway

Cian O’ Leary

Palliative Medicine Specialist Registrar

University Hospital Kerry

Frances O’ Mahony

Palliative Medicine Specialist Registrar

University Hospital Kerry

David Byrne


Our LAdy’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross

Claire Kruger

Palliative Registrar

Milford Hospice, Limerick

Barbara Sweeney

Head of Education

St Francis Hospice, Dublin

Maeve Brassil


St. Francis Hospice, Dublin

Felicity Hasson


Ulster University

Sarah Ruthledge


Marymount Hospital & Hospice, Cork

Elaine Cunningham


Marymount Hospital & Hospice, Cork

Julie Donnellan


Marymount Hospital & Hospice, Cork

David Murphy


Galway University Hospital, Galway

Siobhan McCullough

Senior Speech and Language Therapist

LauraLynn, Dublin


Download Education and Research
Governance Handbook

Interest form

Forum Membership
Interest Form Submission

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