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The IAPC AGM 2023

Our Annual General Meeting and Lecture Series held on November 23rd was a huge success. A key highlight was the inspiring keynote address delivered by Rebecca Tiberini, whose provided us with a practical and though-provoking lecture on Rehabilitative Palliative Care, something which is certain to become a bigger part of the Palliative Care discourse going forward. Thank you to all who participated.

Alongside our AGM, the IAPC official release of our Annual Report, has also been released This comprehensive document encapsulates the milestones, challenges, and triumphs that have defined our year. For those eager to delve into the details, please find further details under the ‘Governance’ section of our website.

Finally, our new Website is on track to go live on schedule in January 2024. This has been a huge undertaking and we cannot wait to share the final result. As we reflect on these achievements, we extend our gratitude to our members for their unwavering support and look forward to continuing our journey together in advancing the standards of palliative care in Ireland.

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