Dr John Allen obtained his medical degree from University College Cork in 2009. He completed his paediatric Higher Specialist Training with the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland in 2019. During his paediatric training, he developed a particular interest in caring for children with neurodisability and palliative care needs.
Dr Allen is an active researcher, with a particular interest in advancing knowledge regarding the issues faced by children with Severe Neurological Impairment and their families. He has recently completed his PhD, entitled “SERENITY: SEveRE Neurological Impairment and children with medical complexiTY”, with Trinity College Dublin, with a focus on definitions, multi-organ dysfunction, inflammation, immune function and family wellbeing.
He enjoys teaching and, alongside his research, worked as an Assistant Professor in Paediatrics for Trinity College from 2018 to 2021, during which time he also completed a Special Purpose Certificate in Academic Practice. He is also interested in post-graduate medical education and has facilitated paediatric palliative care study days and seminars for trainees on the Paediatric Basic and Higher Specialist Training schemes.
He is currently working as a Locum Consultant in Paediatric Palliative Care in Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin.